
This page tells the fictional stories of various people affected by Napoleon and his rule.  This is a Work in Progress, so more stories will come over time.


Chief of Staff, Suchet

Chapter 1.

  Marshal Suchet has basked under the glory of his commander.  Rising the ranks from Infantry Officer to Commander of French Staff.  With news of a new Coalition, War is inevitable and Suchet will follow Napoleon to war.

After finishing supper at his mansion in Provence, Suchet prepares for another quiet evening.

 Suddenly, Suchet's Aide de Camp walks in,"Sir, the Minister of Foreign Affairs wishes to see you."

"Very Well. Send him in"

"Ah Monsieur Talleyrand, would you care for some Champagne, the finest in France?"

 "Yes Monsieur, I would greatly enjoy some of your wine"

 Suchet pours Talleyrand a glass of wine,"So Monsieur what brings you so far from Paris?"

 "Napoleon has left the city with his generals.  A fourth Coalition of the Austrians, Russians, Prussians, English, Swedes, and the Netherlands have formed and are marching on the Empire's territory.  Napoleon asked me to tell you to report to Paris immediately and speak with Murat.  From there you will follow the Emperor to the Border of Bavaria."

 "Well this is news.  I thought Napoleon had declared peace, at least within his borders."

 "The Emperor fears for his nation, Monsieur, nothing more."

 "Off to war again, I see.  Thank you for the news Monsieur Talleyrand."

"Any time Monsieur Suchet."

 "Cheers, to war!"

 "To war!"

"Would you like to ride with me back to Paris."

 "Thank you Monsieur, but I must go to Austria immediately on a diplomatic mission. Farewell Monsieur."

 "Thiebault, prepare the coach, we are going to Paris."

 "Yes sir."

To be Continued...


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